How to Beat the Post-Vacation Back to Work Blues


Right before you leave for a vacation you’re doing all the things in your business to make sure everything runs smoothly when you’re gone. 

  • Systems, check. 
  • Content created and loaded, check. 
  • Team members know their role, check. 

Looks pretty good. So, you go and have an awesome vacation. 

However, when you get back, you feel tired and a little (or a lot) overwhelmed with trying to figure out where you left off and what’s the priority.  

It’s the “post-vacation back to work blues.”

These are my favorite tips to avoid the post-vacation back to work blues and how to get back into momentum in no time.

First I just want to say, I get it. I used to get back from vacation and not feel motivated AT ALL. My brain just didn’t want to kick into gear and I felt overwhelmed with the huge to-do list not even knowing where to start.

And if you’ve been following me, you’ll know that I just got back from 2...

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