001 Welcome to the Breakthrough Mastermind Show (Episode 01)

Jen Argue runs the Breakthrough Mastermind to provide unparalleled support for experienced women entrepreneurs. Once you start to rise to new levels in your business, there are fewer around you who get you and the new challenges you're facing. The Breakthrough Mastermind provides space and support to bond with other go getters just like you. The Breakthrough Mastermind Show exists to provide a significant look at the back-end of successful businesses. You often don't get to see what successful business owners are actually doing to reach the levels of success they've achieved. We dive right in and don't waste time to share the things that move the needle the most.

Website: www.jenargue.com

Email: [email protected]

Link in Bio: www.jenargue.com/links/

Social Urls:



Apply to the mastermind here: https://JenArgue.as.me/firsthello


50% Complete

Two Step

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