030 Guest Interview with Jen Grosso, CEO The Boldfire Institute (Episode 30)

In today's show, our guest, Jen Grosso, a Confidence Coach, is sharing how to work through imposter syndrome. She shares some very practical tips that you can start using today! 

As a bonus for those listening to this Podcast, Jen Grosso is offering a free character strengths assessment to identify high confidence areas along with a 20-minute complimentary session to discuss your results: http://BoldFireInstitute.pro.viasurvey.org 

Website: www.boldfireinstitute.com

Email: [email protected]

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Women Entrepreneur Mastermind Retreat (Nov. 7-12, 2022) + Reels/TikTok VIP Day Nov. 7

Apply to the 100K Mastermind here: www.jenargue.com/100k-mastermind

Apply to the Breakthrough Mastermind here: https://JenArgue.as.me/firsthello 


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