034 Interview with Emily Reagan, Former Public Relations/Communications Director and CEO Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School (Episode 34)

In today's show, Emily Reagan shares her expertise with marketing to platforms for visibility, more specifically public relations.

She is skilled at creating media kits for people who want to pitch themselves onto other people's platforms and create a solid SEO-optimized ecosystem to support their pitches. She provides custom VIP Days to accomplish this in one day for her customers.

 Website: www.emilyreaganpr.com

Email: [email protected]

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Website: www.jenargue.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/jen__argue

Waitlist for mastermind course: www.jen-argue.mykajabi.com/mastermind-waitlist

Apply to the 100K Mastermind here: www.jenargue.com/100k-mastermind

Apply to the Breakthrough Mastermind here: https://JenArgue.as.me/firsthello 

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