035 Interview with Dr. Kristin Barnhart, Couples Therapist and CEO The Breakthrough Counselor (Episode 035)

In today's show, Dr. Kristin Barnhart, licensed psychologist and marriage coach, shares a plan to keep intimacy between you and your partner during the holidays or other social events. She also introduces her Marriage Reset program that helps couples repair and revives their relationship. 

Website: www.thebreakthroughcounselor.com

Email: mailto:[email protected]

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Website: www.jenargue.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/jen__argue

Waitlist for mastermind course: www.jen-argue.mykajabi.com/mastermind-waitlist

8 Questions to ask yourself before joining the mastermind: www.jenargue.com/8questions

Apply to the 100K Mastermind here: www.jenargue.com/100k-mastermind

Apply to the Breakthrough Mastermind here: https://JenArgue.as.me/firsthello 

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