S2:01 New Mastermind Course For Industry Experts (S2: Episode 01)

If you are an expert in your field, or you have the desire to help a certain group of people at a higher level, this episode is for you. There are many people who want to engage in deeper conversations with others, who are big action-takers like them. The most natural format to gather those people is in a mastermind group. I am putting together a unique way to learn the most important aspects of developing marketing and delivering masterminds. With my master's degree in clinical psychology, I have learned and developed the skills necessary to run highly effective and profitable mastermind groups. To learn more click the ultimate mastermind course link below.

Website: https://www.jenargue.com/

Link in Bio: https://www.jenargue.com/links/

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Sign Up to the waitlist: The Ultimate Mastermind https://www.jenargue.com/the-ultimate-mastermind-waitlist 

8 Questions to ask yourself before joining the mastermind: https://www.jenargue.com/8questions

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50% Complete

Two Step

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