S2E7: How Do You Know When You're Ready To Lead A Mastermind (S2: Episode 07)

In today’s show, I talked about how to know when you are ready to lead a mastermind. I explain that there are two people who are intrinsically poised to lead a mastermind: an industry leader or someone who is skilled at leading groups. Also, I note that being an industry expert doesn't mean that you have a huge business, but that you have the knowledge to share with high caliber, high intent people who want support and accountability. I suggest that starting a mastermind right out of the gate is exciting, particularly if you have connections with people, and that a backend mastermind is something you can offer after running one-on-one coaching or group consulting. Moreover, a backend mastermind is a special type of mastermind that is only accessible to those who have worked with you before. It adds to the lifetime value of each customer and is another way to support people who are doing well.

Sign Up to the waitlist: The Ultimate Mastermind https://www.jenargue.com/the-ultimate-mastermind-waitlist 

8 Questions to ask yourself before joining the mastermind: https://www.jenargue.com/8questions

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Website: https://www.jenargue.com/

Link in Bio: https://www.jenargue.com/links/

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