S2E35: How to pick a Mastermind that's right for you (S2: Episode 35)

Ready to elevate your business game? In this episode, we're exploring the game-changing world of masterminds. As the year winds down, it's the perfect time to assess if joining a mastermind is the missing piece to your success puzzle. We'll tackle key questions, such as the decision to join, choosing the right mastermind format (course, coaching, or mastermind), considering duration, specificity, commitment level, online versus in-person dynamics, and the pivotal role of timing. Dive into this quick guide and make an empowered decision to propel your business to new heights. Tune in and supercharge your success journey!

Applied to Breakthrough Mastermind 2.0: https://www.jenargue.com/mastermind-waitlist

Join The Ultimate Mastermind Program to Create your own Profitable Mastermind: https://www.jenargue.com/theultimatemastermind

8 Questions to ask yourself before joining a mastermind: https://www.jenargue.com/8questions 

1:1 Business Breakthrough Coaching:  https://www.jenargue.com/offers/3MToAovz

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Website: https://www.jenargue.com/

Link in Bio: https://www.jenargue.com/links/

Affiliate Link to Kajabi Website Platform: https://kajabi.com/?utm_campaign=home_trial&utm_content=36154&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Jen+Argue

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